Combining the talents of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and Kris Kristofferson onto a single album would have been unheard of during the 1970’s when all four were in their commercial and artistic heyday. Three out of those four men are proverbial titans of country music (Cash, Nelson, Jennings) known for their brand of outlaw country that eschewed the bland traditions of Nashville sound, and by that time Kristofferson had established himself as a unique voice in country that made him a cult favorite. But in 1985 the four stars had hit somewhat of a commercial lull– still legends, but certainly on the downslope of their career as they played out the hits to their diehard fans on various national tours.

So what do all four old dogs do when faced with the waning popularity of their new music? They band together to create a supergroup the likes of which hadn’t been seen in country music before, split vocal duties right down the middle, and release an absolute gem of an album in Highwayman. The title track is the group’s signature song, a cover of an old Jimmy Webb song that tells the tale of a wayward soul who is reincarnated in four different locations throughout history, and is poetic in many ways considering the impact these four men have had on country music over the past 60 years. Much like the ghost of “The Highwayman”, the spirit of Cash, Nelson, Jennings, and Kristofferson will live on in the voices and songs of country singers in the decades to come long after each one of them is gone.

Standout Songs: “Highwayman”, “The Last Country Song”, “Big River”, “Desperados Waiting For A Train”, “Against the Wind”


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