If you grew up in the 90’s there’s an absolute guarantee that you know exactly who Hanson is. Their smash single “MMMBop” off their debut album Middle of Nowhere was an absolute cultural revelation at the time, dominating the commercial airwaves and sending the three brothers on to worldwide fame. Part of that was due to the teen pop bliss on the single (it’s hard to resist) and the other is the obvious– at the time they blew up lead guitarist Isaac Hanson was 16, keyboardist Taylor was 14, and drummer Zac was a mere 11 years old. As a young man vying for girls’ attention at the time it was a tough road to traverse considering how much these guys were adored– graphic tees with their beach-blonde hair could be found adorned on pretty much every girl in sight, making the already intimidating prospect of making your approach a moot point. Their hearts were already committed to these three dudes from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Me and the boys never had a chance in ’97.

Snowed In is exactly what you’d expect from a teen pop band capitalizing on their newfound fame six months after its release– dreamy pop hooks with bespoke arrangements custom made for holiday shopping, chock full with some of the best studio musicians in the business filling in the Hanson brothers gaps and rounding out the musical scores.

Standout Songs: “What Christmas Means To Me”, “Everybody Knows The Claus”, “Christmas Time”


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