The Jesus and Mary Chain ‘Psychocandy’ (1985)

When brothers Jim and William Reid formed The Jesus and Mary Chain they clearly had one idea in mind– take traditional pop song arrangements and absolutely drench them in feedback, distortion, and reverb to render them almost entirely unnoticeable. With their debut album Psychocandy you could consider it mission accomplished. The entire album sounds as if you are waiting in line outside a club while the band plays inside, the sound twisted and warped as it courses through the steel doors that separate you from the sonic source. It’s somewhat disorienting, especially when juxtaposed with the cleanliness of modern rock production. But that was always meant to be the point– it’s the sound of The Beach Boys if The Beach Boys were drowning off the coast of California and playing their final song underneath the waves.

Standout Songs: “Just Like Honey”, “The Hardest Walk”, “In a Hole”


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