Slash ‘Orgy of the Damned’ (2024)

Slash just dropped his newest album entitled Orgy of the Damned this past Friday and I simply had to check it out. As dutiful readers will remember I had the opportunity to see Slash in-person at Power Trip Live last year and it was an incredible experience:

I was lucky enough to catch them live last October a few months ago with my brother at Power Trip Live alongside Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC, Tool, and Judas Priest and can confirm Guns N’ Roses still absolutely shreds. Slash’s guitar playing was the highlight of the weekend across all the acts, a true tour de force, and inspired me in part to pick up his signature Les Paul (in November Burst of course) two few days ago as a gift to myself for Christmas.

Guns N’ Roses ‘Appetite For Destruction’,

Orgy of the Damned is exactly what I’m looking for in a Slash album. It’s an album composed entirely of blues standards, cover songs from front to back, and feature vocal performances from powerhouses like Chris Stapleton, Demi Lovato, Brian Johnson of AC/DC, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, and Gary Clark Jr. among many, many others. And on top of all that powerhouse vocal talent you have the incredible six-strings shredding of Slash, who uses the medium to really explore a wide array of blues textures and styles throughout the 69 minute runtime. It’s immaculately produced, polished and raw all at the same time, and worth a listen for anyone even remotely interested in guitar-based rock and roll.

Standout Songs: “Hoochie Coochie Man”, “Oh Well”, “Key To The Highway”, “Born Under A Bad Sign”, “Killing Floor”


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