The Judds ‘Rockin’ With The Rhythm’ (1985)

The Judds are somewhat of a country music trope– a mother-daughter duo whose saccharine sweet vocal melodies and downhome lyrical content feel right at home on a lazy Saturday afternoon lounging around with the family in the backyard. Their ability to tug on these familial heart strings was purposeful, and led them to achieve an incredible 14 number one singles during a five-year run in the 80’s that cemented them as one of the most popular country music acts of that decade. Naomi and Wynonna Judd’s ability to take the mundane and turn it into a sentimental ode to the generation that came before (“Grandpa Tell Me ‘Bout The Good Old Days”) combined with their knack for writing super clean pop songs (“Dream Chaser”) and uptempo honky tonk barn burners (“Rockin’ With The Rhythm Of The Rain”) gave them a diverse palette to pain their lovely harmonies on, keeping Rockin’ With The Rhythm fresh and diverse all the way through.

Standout Songs: “Grandpa (Tell Me ‘Bout The Good Old Days)”, “I Wish She Wouldn’t Treat You That Way”, “Dream Chaser”


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